Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Abraham - Hicks - What Are The Universal Laws


  1. just sharing where i get my daily inspiration!

  2. this is not a religion. this is new thought about how to live our lives.

  3. as you can see my blog is titled brokerme meaning as a real estate broker i should be able to impart and share to my followers what i know about real estate to help them in their problems on real estate.
    you know i have been working with a group whose interest is the same as mine.But basically to clean up some problematic titles so we can sell big chunks of land. you know when you have a psyche such as ours very often we are lured by this big titles that come into our lap. There are varied reasons to this. Maybe the owner of the land is undergoing a land case that needs to know more about his title why it is being questioned and claimed by others, sometimes it is simple but very often more complicated on
